Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Carefree Youth

In our youth, it's easy to be carefree. We take so many things for granted when we're young. Healthy teeth and gums may be among those things. When we're young and healthy, it seems as if our teeth will last forever, but not without effort on our part. When teeth begin to crack and decay, whether as the result of gum disease or poor dental hygiene habits, it's time to think about dental implants. 

Whatever the reason, your teeth and your overall health will benefit when you learn more about implant dentistry and how it has helped our TeethToday® patients. Our satisfied patients are thankful their replacement teeth have helped them regain that healthy, youthful smile they once took for granted.
Let TeethToday® help you find your carefree smile again.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Facial Changes from Missing Teeth

Depending on how many teeth are missing from your mouth, over time the bone loss can result in facial changes and a distorted appearance. TeethToday® can help you eliminate the aged look that results from tooth and bone loss with a dental implant procedure.
When you visit a TeethToday® specialist, we will make sure you are informed of all your options and all of your questions are answered. Once you have scheduled your appointment, a treatment coordinator will be assigned to you to walk you through every step of your procedure.
Patients who qualify for treatment are able to receive their dental implants the same day. With your new replacement teeth, you will be able to enjoy all of your regular activities, with no restrictions. Best of all, you can continue to eat all of your favorite foods.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Technology and Your Teeth

With advanced dental implant technology, replacing missing or damaged teeth had become easier and more convenient. Thanks to dental implants, old methods of teeth replacement like bridges and dentures can be avoided. Patients with healthy gums and jawbone are likely candidates for implant dentistry.

Caring for your teeth is essential to your overall health. Unfortunately, for various reasons, teeth become decayed and eventually become loose and even fall out. With our TeethToday® same day procedure technology, your mouth will be good as new, and your new teeth will look great.

Caring for your dental implants, will be as simple as caring for your natural teeth. Extra care and attention with brushing and flossing will ensure their longevity. This wise investment in your smile and your future will reward you for years to come.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Where Did You Get Your Bad Teeth?

It is a common myth that our teeth, whether good or bad, are an inherited trait. Quite often people blame their bad genes for the state of their teeth and gums. Gum disease and tooth decay are usually the result of poor dental hygiene. Rather than looking for someone to blame, it's better to find a solution.

ToothToday® is your solution for fixing and replacing those missing or decayed teeth. As a result of implant dentistry, our patients leave our office with a new smile and a renewed commitment to better oral care. They learn the necessity of caring for new teeth as well as their original teeth.

Dental implants, from TeethToday®, can help you fix those decaying or cracked teeth, and get you on the road to a better smile.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Great Things About Implant Dentistry

When you receive dental implants, you are receiving a state-of-the-art solution to solve the problem of missing teeth. Dental implants are the safe, convenient solution to a healthy mouth and smile. These teeth are long-lasting and the best replacement for your missing or cracked teeth.

With dental implants, your worries are eliminated. You can be sure that these teeth will fit properly. No longer will you have to worry about your teeth falling out, or feeling as though they just don't belong in your mouth. Just like your own teeth, your dental implants depend on proper care and maintenance to assure their longevity.
Dental implants will leave you not only looking better, but feeling better. With the completion of your TeethToday® dental implant procedure, you'll feel a sudden urge to smile a lot more. When you discover the great things about implant dentistry, you'll have a lot of reasons to smile. To learn more, visit us on the web at http://www.teethtoday.com


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

You and Your New Teeth

When patients visit an attractive, state-of-the-art TeethToday® facility, they can rest assured that their questions and needs will be addressed. Many patients, after completing the dental implant procedure, have told us that their dental implants completely changed their life. They boast new teeth, a new attitude, and a brand new smile. After visiting TeethToday® , patients feel like they can go anywhere, without the embarrassment of decaying or missing teeth.

When missing or cracked teeth are replaced with dental implants, patients are left with natural looking, perfectly-aligned teeth. Dental implants, designed to be long-lasting, give them a new reason to smile. Patients have shared that the many joys of having replacement teeth include the ability to enjoy their favorite foods, plenty of smiling, and many more photogenic opportunities.