Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dental Implants: A Long-Lasting Solution

For years, a cup filled with dentures, on the nightstand, has been affiliated with growing old. As we age, many of us will face the reality of missing teeth. Thankfully, dentistry has come along way. There is solution to this problem that doesn't have to involve a cup full of teeth at the bedside.

Teeth Today proudly offers a safe, long-lasting solution for missing teeth--dental implants. Dentistry has entered a whole new realm. This long-lasting solution is money well spent when you consider the improvement to your appearance and your health.

So many of our patients tell us their only regret with dental implants was not having treatment sooner. With dental implants, you'll not only look great but you'll feel great. It's a solution that will last.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Power Behind A Smile

Smiles are a powerful expression. We begin smiling, as early as in the womb, as evidenced by 3D ultrasound. We learn, early on, how to use this basic expression. Its meaning is universal. A simple smile can expresses happiness, joy, satisfaction, and approval.

Children smile without any reservation, some even grabbing their mouths to make their smile even wider, for a camera to capture. Smiling not only reduces our stress levels, it can also be quite contagious. When you smile, you show your confidence to others. Smiling is mood altering and life changing. Smiling, even if you have nothing to smile about, will induce pleasure to you and those around you.

Smile! It's what we tell our children to do when we're about to snap a picture. It's what we offer to strangers we pass in the street, to be polite. We smile when we are happy and when we are laughing. Unfortunately, the older we get, the more reluctant we are to share our smile, too embarrassed to show our missing or cracked teeth.

At Teeth Today, we can help you get your smile back with dental implants. Dental implants can fill those empty spaces in your mouth, and let you show the world your beautiful smile. Stop being that person in the family picture who is hiding their smile. Make yours a legacy of a shiny bright smile.

With dental implants, we don't have to be like our grandparents, with our teeth beside the bed, in a glass of water. Dental implants, unlike a bridge or dentures, can last a long time.

Don't let broken or missing teeth steal your power. Get back your power behind your smile, and speak to a specialist to learn more.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Year, New Teeth, New You

The month of January has become synonymous with life changing transformations and good intentions. It's the perfect time for a healthy new start. From signing on the dotted line for a new gym memberships to loading the refrigerator with fresh fruits and vegetables, in January, we embark on adding new rituals and embracing our resolutions.

But, how many of us resolve to finally take care of our teeth? While we are focusing on eating right and exercising, it's the perfect time to look at our overall health and wellness, starting in our mouths. Many people overlook the part that healthy teeth and gums play in leading a healthy lifestyle. Gum disease can quickly sideline any efforts to staying healthy. What good will that workout do you, if you're not taking care of your teeth and gums?

Teeth Today can help you start the New Year off right, by replacing those cracked or missing teeth and really start living healthy, from the inside, out. You deserve a brighter smile, and a brighter future. If your health history has you concerned, rest assured that all of your questions will be answered by our specialists. You're not too old for dental implants, and it's never to late to be as healthy as you feel.
This year, while you're working on a new YOU, why not start with your smile?